Microsoft Exchange Server Vulnerable, Update Needed Now!

Cybersecurity and update of devices.

By: Eric Vicencio

If you have a Microsoft Exchange Server hosted on-premises (on-perm) at your business, you may want to consider migrating to cloud-based Microsoft Exchange Online quickly! On-premises means the software is installed and runs on computers physically at your organization or home. Rather than on the cloud or at a remote facility such as a server farm.

In early March, Microsoft released a few security updates to patch vulnerabilities that affect on-perm Microsoft Exchange Server versions 2013, 2016, and 2019. These security patches were created to help with on-going attacks on Exchange Servers that were actively being exploited. Microsoft is not yet stating that they have fully remedied this exploit, but they have released a patch for those not yet compromised systems.

Cloud-based Microsoft Office 365 is a more secure option than the on-premises server model. On-perm Microsoft Exchange Servers are much easier for hackers to get into if they are not actively maintained and monitored. On-perm servers also put the security burden and solution squarely on the organization that owns it. In contrast, cloud-based technology puts the bulk of the security and solution management to the cloud provider. During this most recent on-perm Microsoft Exchange Server breach, cloud-based Microsoft Office 365 was not impacted, likely due to Microsoft’s active maintenance and monitoring.

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About the Author: Eric Vicencio

Eric began his career in healthcare, and he has been working in the IT field since 2006 when he graduated from Northern Illinois University. Eric specializes in Infrastructure, SQL and compliance: Licensing, HIPAA, GLBA and PCI.